Autocar Xpeditor

2005 AutoCar Xpeditor Recycling TruckOnly 12 000 miles Cummins Diesel Engine Auto transmission.37 YD dumping Labrie recycling body Dual steer Alum wheels Back up camera.Very CleanFor more information Please call Jaw Sales (at) (603) 598 1300 or (978) 502 2267105 Runnells Bridge Rd. Hollis NH 03049See more cars trucks equipment and parts for sale (at) No text messaging please If you will be coming to Jaw Sales to look at a vehicle or piece of equipment please call us at 978 502 2267 first so we can make sure someone is here to meet with you Thank you Connect with Jaw SalesWebsite www.jaw-sales.webs.comLinkedIn pub paul-joyce 76 621 634Facebook s JAWSALESGoogle us Search for Jaw Sales Hollis NH



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