Low-Maintenance Stucco Exterior 2 bedroom 2 bath 1 12 car garage

PLEASE WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE REFERENCE NUMBER O5534400 THIS HOME IS FOR SALE ONLY. THIS IS NOT A RENTAL RENT TO OWN SELLER FINANCING HOME. FIRST TIME HOME BUYER PLEASE CALL TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE FIRST TIME HOME BUYER DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. PROPERTY DETAILSBedrooms 2Bathrooms 2Sq. Ft. 1 272 Low-Maintenance Stucco Exterior 2 bedroom 2 bath 1 1 2 car garage Golf front home built in 2006 Super-Low HOA of 100 month incl. 64 channels cable TV high-speed internet & basic lawncare allowing you more time to enjoy the lifestyle you ve earned and deserve. Located in a secure gated 18 hole golf community within 5 minutes of 2 grocery stores restaurants banks and drug stores only 45 miles to Orlando Disney Universal & Orlando airport. 10 minutes to a free boat ramp on the 15 000 acres Lake Harris (world class bass fishing) chain of 9 connected lakes accessible to Atlantic Ocean. Large living room with a golf view galley kitchen appliances included. The master bedroom overlooks the golf course master suite has a walk-in closet & walk-in shower for added safety. The split bedrooms plan provides privacy washer & dryer included. Private Backyard This community has it all drive your golf cart 2 blocks to community square 18 hole golf course driving range putting & chipping greens movie theater reception hall and even a restaurant & pub 2 swimming pools one heated hot tub fitness center with Nautilus equipment and full line of cardio equipment lockers showers billiards Many community activities to chooses from. What will you do in your spare time Entire community accessible by golf-cart 5 minutes to activities or shopping. Least expensive home in community with homes 400K Not ready to move but want to buy at todays low price. have renters will stay until you re ready to move Description AMENITIES Interior 1. A C- Central2 .HEAT FUEL- Central Fuel(Natural Gas)3. FLOOR COVERING- Carpet Ceramic Tile Exterior 1. CONSTRUCTION- Block Stucco2. Detached Community 1. HOA - Common Association Required HOA Fee 100 HOA Payment Schedule Monthly BULLFROG AND DOG REALTY INC. POSTS PROPERTIES FOR A 30 DAY PERIOD OF TIME. DUE TO CURRENT HIGH DEMAND OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOME PROPERTIES ADVERTISED MAY BE WITHDRAWN CANCELLED RENTED PENDING OR SOLD WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS. ALL INFORMATION IS DEEMED TO BE CORRECT BUT NOT GUARANTEED. Contact Information Jim Wilson - Broker RealtorBullfrog and Dog Realty Inc.Phone 863-229-0141 List Agent Steven SimpkinsListing provided by K CO



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