Great 5 Acres Land

HERE S AN AWESOME 5 ACRES OF VACANT LAND IN BEAUTIFUL TWENTY NINE PALMS CA. THIS LAND HAS IT ALL BEAUTIFUL VIEWS PRIVACY GOOD ACCESS AND PERFECT FOR OFF THE GRID THE LAND IS SUITABLE FOR JUST ABOUT ANYTHING... A CABIN TINY HOME RANCH OR FARM HORSES OR JUST A RETREAT IN AN RV ON OCCASIONS USE YOUR IMAGINATION... AIRPORT CLOSE BY GOOD ACCESS SECLUDED AWESOME STARGAZING LARGE PARCELS OF THIS QUALITY ARE RARELY SEEN ON NO RESERVE AUCTIONS EASY FRIENDLY AND SAFE PURCHASE PROCESS - GUARANTEED LOW CLOSING COSTS ( 300) AND THIS BEAUTIFUL LOT IS YOURS Twenty Nine Palms California in the heart of the Mojave Desert is a rural community of artists musicians and other desert dwellers. Visit the Palms Restaurant the Glass Outhouse Gallery and the Wonder Valley Thrift Store. Visit the beautiful Pinto and Bullion mountains. Minutes from Joshua Tree National Park and the Mojave Preserve. YOU WON T FIND THIS KIND OF DEAL ANYWHERE ELSE SIMILAR LOTS ON OR OFF THE INTERNET ARE PRICED AT 15 000 TO 20 000 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A KNOWLEDGEABLE SELLER WE TAKE PRIDE IN PRESENTING BUYERS WITH A FINE SELECTION OF CALIFORNIA LAND AS OUR LOTS ARE HAND-PICKED . TERMS OF SALE Purchase price in full or payment plan is available. Ask . Buyer Mustpay the full purchase price using Cashier s Check Personal Checks U.S. Postal Money Order and Bank Wire Transfer within 48 hours of purchase. A one-time closing costs of 300 (payable via Paypal) shall be added for recording costs. I will email the buyer a Paypal invoice for the closing costs. A Grant Deed will be promptly recorded per your instruction after payment is received. PROPERTY INFORMATION San Bernardino County APN 0626-131-08 COORDINATES SW CORNER 34.170137237 -115.959083498 Lot 217800 sq ft 5 Acres. Terrain Level to slightly rolling. Zoning Residential. Water A) Drilling a well. B) Have it hauled to a storage tank. Sewer By installing a septic system. Utilities Off grid ideally eco-friendly option. Time Limit to Build None Association Dues None Title Free and clear and will be conveyed by a Grant Deed TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Buyer s acknowledge the land is being purchased AS IS in whatever physical condition including topography and or location the parcel may be found at the time of sale subject to all existing covenants conditions restrictions reservations exploration rights easements rights of way or lack of same assessments zoning of record and any land use restrictions. Buyer s acknowledges having inspected the property and or investigated its suitability and usability prior to placing a bid including availability of access and utilities or lack of same and by placing a bid hereby accepts real property AS IS . Buyer s are encouraged and responsible to do their due diligence thoroughly including a physical inspection of property if at all possible and make sure that property is suitable to their needs. All information and pictures in this listing comes from accurate sources and is to the best of my knowledge but not guaranteed There is no warranty expressed or implied and all sales are final.



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