800cc 4x4 Sandrail Dune Buggy Go Kart

Call 1-866-606-3991 with questions Please visit www.saferwholesale.com gokarts to view our full selection Rip up the dunes with this Brand New 800cc 4x4 Sandrail Dune Buggy Go Kart Capable of reaching speeds up to 60mph the Sandrail is the baddest Go Kart on the market today. With 27 tires and 14 aluminum wheels this Dune Buggy goes where other Go Karts only dream of going. This product has a lot of great features you won t see on other Dune Buggies. The 800cc Sandrail has powerful LED lights Race Seats Race Suspension and a Roof Rack Specifications Engine ODES 800cc V-Twin Cylinders Two EFI Delphi Electronic Fuel Injection Fuel Type Premium Cooling Oversized Radiator Fan Liquid Cooling Drive Oversized ODES Shaft Drive Transmission Automatic Shift Pattern P-R-N-H-L 4x4 Yes- 2x4 4x4 4x4 Lock Brakes 4 Wheel Hydraulic Disc Emergency Brake Standard Tires 27 Off Road Tires Wheels 14 Aluminum Seats ODES Adjustable Racing Seats Window Standard Roof Standard...



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