Do you need to close your deals before the holidays We FUND fas

We have a credit union loan program where we will assist the client in obtaining membership in order to finance the client via a cash installment loan line of credit and credit card for funding ALL through one credit institution. Clients with minimal scores have the potential to receive 50k- 200k in financing with NO UPFRONT FEES Full round of funding takes about 3 weeks tocomplete unless we are maxing out the file with multiple banks. (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A HARD MONEY MERCHANT BANK STATEMENT or P2P LOAN ) What we offer cannot be compared AND NO...we don t run you through a hundred credit card providers. We lend with the clients best interest in mind Client must be over 28 years of age have a 620 credit score or higher have at least an open or closed auto or substantial installment primary reporting on their credit to qualify. Minimal collections OK no tax liens no late pays within last 9 months or bankruptcy within 18 months. BROKERS ALSO WELCOME...CONTACT TODAY ASK FOR Lyn (702)824-5234 OR EMAIL ME (at) bizsvcs1234(at)gmail.comKey words Funding fund cash cash loan financing finance bank loan credit union lines of credit credit card credit loc home loan auto loan commercial lending hard money loans personal loan business loan installment loans fast loans fast cash fast funding no fees no upfront fees low docs no docs no doc lending bad credit loans good credit loans



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