Organic Fertilizer

The Benefit of Worm Casting Worm casting is an organic fertilizer. Casting is the poop of the worms ( manure ). All animals manure is organic fertilizer no synthetic chemical used to produce it. 1) Worms casting - Vermicompost improve soil structure and water holding capacity. Worms tilt the soil letting more oxygen entering roots of the plant this will help plants to stay green and the worm poop will make them greener. 2) Also adding worm casting to the soil repel many pests that feed on plants such as aphids and spider mites. 3) Casting is water soluble it s ready to be used by the plants when it s needed. 4) Worm casting is rich in Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Magnesium Iron and Sulphur and many other nutrients. We have to encourage worms to live in our gardens because they feed our soil and their poop is very rich in nutrients that benefit our plants in general. Worm castings have no Oder and don t burn the plants.How to use Worm Casting There are two ways to use it 1) sprinkle casting around plants indoor or out door. The casting doesn t burn plant if you use more or less. Sprinkle over your lawn also will make your lawn greener. 2) use it as worm casting tea Add 1 table spoon of casting to a gallon of water let it sit for 24 hours stir or shake it occasionally then water your plant regularly.More information on our website wormcastingandorganicfertilizerBUY 5 POUNDS FOR THE PRICE OF 3 . Just 3 per pound.



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