1050 1 bedroom in NW Dane County

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2775471. The hilltop view is spectacular...tall pines embrace the building to the south with a sweeping panorama of Lake Mendota to the north. All sixteen apartments are distinctive - each has unique features that youll be proud to show a patio among the pines a balcony a skylight or a spectacular view from a gables window.Thirteen lofted homes give the living room has an airy feel and a stairway leads to the bedroom and bath. Three garden apartments offer a larger living space with a private patio facing a quiet residential neighborhood. Each apartment home features a washer and dryer self cleaning oven dishwasher microwave large pantry snack bar in kitchen frost free refrigerator controlled access entry and much more. New tile flooring is being installed as apartments become available. New tile is being placed in the kitchen dining room entry and bathroom. Additional upgrades include new carpeting light fixtures and more.Utilities and amenities included in rent Washer Dryer in unit Water and Hot water Off street parking Storage locker For more details .



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