2014 Toyota Tundra

Sparks Certified Clean CARFAX SR5 double cab 4X4 Power Windows and Locks Stylized Steel wheels Upgraded audio with Bluetooth Back up camera Running boards Tow package This certified Tundra 4X4 has power windows and door locks stylized steel wheels upgraded audio with Bluetooth back up camera running boards tow package and just over 40 000 miles. It has a clean CARFAX and comes with a 100 000 mile warranty. Once it found its groove and hooked up the Tundra felt very confident down the track with the heavy cargo finishing the eighth-of-a-mile run in third gear. -- PickupTrucks.com. Tundra s 4.6-liter V8 gives smooth linear acceleration from a stop. It s a good choice for most light- and medium-load haulers. The 5.7 is strong and responsive at all speeds. It s the obvious choice for heavy-duty hauling and trailering. -- Consumer Guide. Towing a sizable trailer is similarly no problem as the truck can maintain its speed up steep grades without having to resort to full-throttle applications. -- Edmunds Insurance Institute for Highway Safety - Top Safety Pick . Call us at (843) 236-2161 for more information or stop in for a hassle free test drive.



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