Clean, safe, FREE CABLE – Can’t beat us at only $169

Value Place offers furnished Studio s at low weekly rates. There is no lease no application and no credit check. We pride ourselves on being clean safe simple affordable and flexible. Our Studios offer kitchens equipped with a full size fridge 2 burner stove a microwave and plenty of storage for your food. In addition to that you ll find a dining table for 2 double bed nightstand a dresser TV with over 35 channels including 2 commercial free channels open closet area and a large super clean bathroom. That s not it We offer high speed internet in every Studio at a low weekly rate (less than what you d pay for home service) FREE bi-weekly house keeping daily bed bath linen exchange 24 7 on site coin operated laundry facility and feel secure with a well-lit parking lot and guest only entrances to the building 24 7. Special offer limited to new guest check-in. Contact location .



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