Online Auction for Commercial Surplus Powered by - Auction Ends 6 15 19 - To view auction details go to and Search For 12869-141. Click the QAL box and then hit search.This lot includes item composed of stainless steel copper steel brass titanium alm and other metals.The lot includes but is not limited to terminal blocks clips screws bolts shear bolts washers Webson fasteners spacers clamps nuts eye bolts Kondu covers brackets terminal lug kits PEM fastening system items machine screws hex bolts Graybar lag bolts flat head screws handles misc hardware lock washers flat washers hex HD cap screw bolts standoff s covers rods terminal lugs clamps shims plastic misc items set pins screw pins self threading screws hose clamps hydraulic line clamps and other.Anymore items found will be added to this lot. Most of the above listings have trace Powered by GovDeals is the online platform where you can bid on commercial auctions and buy commercial assets. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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