Goldilocks - Female Domestic Longhair Mix

GOLDILOCKS is a gorgeous young female kitty with fluffy buff-colored fur. She is estimated to be 3 to 4 years old. She is beautiful and she knows it But she is so very loving and happy to share her affection. She wants to have all attention on her. Goldilocks has inflammatory bowel disease but she is currently stable on a controlled diet and a couple of medications. She would thrive in a home with older children or a mellow dog that she could ignore. She might do alright with a very docile cat but will challenge an assertive cat. Goldilocks loves to be held to receive gentle pets to get treats (pieces of her special food) to be brushed to sit on your lap while you watch TV or to sit in front of your computer while you try to work. Won t you consider giving this sweet girl a secure forever home Your willingness to take on a special needs kitty will be rewarded with years of loving companionship. She is being offered at a special adoption fee of 50 (sponsored by Main St Mini Storage) which is strictly to help cover our costs. She has been tested for feline leukemia and FIV spayed microchipped vaccinated defleaed and dewormed - plus you get a free wellness vet visit. For more info or to meet Goldilocks in her foster home call Beth at (541) ---X... More Info



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