Personal Injury - Bankruptcy Attorney - Riverside

At Gwynn Law Firm we treat you like family we are family owned and operated and know how you feel going through hard times. We have all been there at some point of our lives and make you feel safe it is not your fault. We know the law and will get you through this by protecting your rights. Please call us and come in for a free consultation. Jeff Gwynn was admitted to the United States District Courts for the Central Eastern Southern and Northern districts of California. He received his Bachelor of Science from Loyola Marymount University and his Juris Doctor degree from Boston University School of Law which is ranked in the top 20 of all American Law Schools. While waiting for his bar results Jeff interned with the Honorable Mitchel Goldberg United States Bankruptcy court getting first hand experience on bankruptcy issues. He began practicing in Riverside in June 1996 with Thompson & Colegate defending personal injury lawsuits. As the years passed Jeff s practice expanded to real estate construction business bankruptcy asset protection and estate planning and insurance coverage. 951-684-3774 - Jeff Gwynn



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