Male Volunteers Needed for Lake Arbor Jazz Festival

It doesn t get any better than this Where else can you enjoy an entire day of the DMV s top jazz artists in a beautiful family-oriented community setting in Prince George s County. The 2013 Lake Arbor Jazz Festival Line-up features smooth traditional urban and contemporary jazz artists Collaboration Alan King Shelby Brown & Bob Baldwin Deborah Bond Secret Society and a surprise national recording artist (soon to be announced) Every year the Festival gets bigger and better CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS We are looking for adult MEN volunteers over the age of 18 who are available for a minimum of 4 hours on July 12th and on the day of the event July 13th for production set-up parking & security. Free t-shirts food and beverages are provided courtesy of Lake Arbor Jazz Festival. If you are in need of Community Service hours this is the place for you to volunteer. To Volunteer sign up here form 31286644861157



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