Priscilla - Female Goat

WE CURRENTLY SEEK SPONSORS FOR OUR SPONSORSHIP ADOPTION PROGRAM FOR THE FARM ANIMALS WE HAVE RESCUED MOSTLY UN-ADOPTABLE. PLEASE SAVE A FARM ANIMAL (LIKE WE HAVE) FROM CRAIGS LIST (FOR THE INLAND EMPIRE) as these are sold for backyard slaughter. They are almost all hand-raised and kid and people-friendly. Also please save farm animals from Devore Animal Shelter.Priscilla is a very sweet affectionate and loving girl Alpine goat who has waited 4 long months at a distant isolated shelter recovering from her injuries while we waited until she could be released. Her former owner was arrested and the case was settled in favor of shelter custody finally making her available for us to rescue.She was close friends with Sophia the piglet who we rescued in 3 months prior (also listed here). Priscilla is about 2 years old. To know more about Priscilla please contact ------XX(at)----... More Info



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