Ivy - Female American Pit Bull Terrier

Hi I m Ivy. I m still new here with Merit but I m so grateful that they rescued me from that shelter I m such a happy girl and eager to learn new things. I m finding out people are not so bad after all. I was a little unsure at first. I love when my foster family loves on me and plays with me. I am discovering so many new thing I never knew before. Toys are my new favorite things and I love to play fetch the wubba. I also love my crate and go in there with no problem. I even go in there to hang out sometimes when I don t have to. It s like my own little mini house. I go outside for all my bathroom breaks and have not had any accidents inside. Foster mom says I catch on really quick because I have already learned sit and down in just a couple weeks of being here but really I just want the treat she s going to give me after. I will do just about anything for a treat She says that s a good thing because I still need to learn some leash manners. I thought I was supposed to pull her around but she says that s not the way it goes. Foster mom says I have a bit of medical stuff that we need to take care of because when I got to her I was not very healthy. I arrived very underweight but am slowly putting weight back on. I also have to go through something called heartworm treatment in a couple weeks to get rid of some worms I have in my heart. Foster mom says after that I have to be spayed whatever that means. I just hope it means I get a treat after This little beauty is current on her shots and will be spayed prior to adoption. For more information or to submit an adoption application please visit our website at -.-X.-Think you might be interested in fostering one of our pups Please visit our website at -.-X.- for more information or to submit a foster application.Ivy American Pit Bull Terrier has been shared from Shelter Exchange.... More Info



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