Cali - Female Border Collie Mix

Hello My name is Cali and I was recently rescued from a shelter in the West Texas area. I am so grateful to be in a loving home and will soon be looking for my forever home (after I ve learned a few manners and have a health check up). I m a young girl at an estimated 1-2 years old and I ve been told I m likely an Aussie (that s short for Australian Shepherd) mix. I m a very laid back girl but would love some doggy companions in my forever home. I am indifferent to those things that meow and love children. Really I love just about everything and would gladly accept lots of loving at any time. I am learning to crate but would much prefer to sleep at the foot of your bed at night time. I am not destructive in the home and thunder and loud noises don t bother me a bit. I like being brushed and I don t mind if you mess with my furry feet. I m learning some manners but so far I ve mastered the Sit command Shake (if you ve got yummy snacks) am very good on a leash and am working on Down by command. Overall Cali is a wonderful girl who is pretty low-key with little to no herding drive. She loves to be with her humans and must be in a home apartment with a secure fence. She is working on her recall but at this time it is not very good. She will continue to work on this and we request that she be kept on leash at all times outdoors (unless in a secured back yard for potty breaks etc). Her foster home says she seems to thrive with lots of company whether that s human or doggy. She is a social girl with a mild temperament. She has a long gorgeous coat and is simply a pleasure to be around. We will have her weight soon but she is at least 50 lbs.Please visit our Adoption Page at -X -XX.- adoption and to complete an Adoption ApplicationVisit us on Facebook -.--XX.- BCRRT... More Info



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