Cupid - Male Goat

Curious Cupid the boer goat first came to CAS as a kid in 2010 from a breeding program at SUNY Cobleskill where he was destined to be sent to auction. He was adopted as a youngster but came back to CAS this year since he needed goat friends. Cupid does well in a small herd but does like to be the boss man. He would do well with your small herd or can be adopted with his gal pasl Zoe Rhue and Ellie. He spends his days grazing in the tall grasses playing with the girls and taking naps in the sunshine. Cupid is a really loveable guy but a bit of a moose. Are you looking to add to your goat herd Searching for a small herd of your own Then Cupid and friends Ellie Zoe and Rhue are perfect To adopt Cupid visit our website at and complete an adoption application today. Cupid is attached to his gal pals and if you don t already have goats he should go with them. Adoption fee is 60 per goat.Can t adopt but would still like a goat friend or your own What about sponsorship To sponsor Cupid go to and complete our online form today. Sponsorship donation is 40.00 per month. As a sponsor you will receive 2 glossy photos of Cupid along with her rescue story and a 1 year family membership to CAS ( a 65 value). You will also enjoy free tours for you and your family. Become and member and sponsor today Sponsorship also makes a great gift for the animal lover in your life ... More Info



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