Adopt Krist a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair Mixed cat in Berk

HeeEEEeey. We re Kurt and Krist Can you feel our purr buzz You may find that sappy but we love to milk it. We re a band of off-the-charts attractive cats who have the whole package. We have distinct and complementary personalities that make us a beautifully dynamic pair. Kurt is the mysterious introverted thoughtful guy and Krist is outgoing playful and ready to make friends Together we have a relationship of gold. We d prefer to live our whole lives safely indoors but if you do want to let us outside please be prepared to wait until we are at least a year old. We can t wait to meet you We just know there s something in the way we purr and meow and play that will make you fall head over heels in love with us. So come as you are to Berkeley Humane and meet us We are nine months old.-------------------Berkeley Humane (510) 845--X 2700 9th Street Berkeley CA 94710 -X(at) -------------------Adoption Charges Cats over 7 yrs - 50 Cats 7 mnths to 7 yrs - ...



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