Looking for Serious(Real)Talent

Hey goodday people me & my brothers were offered an opportunity & we want to share that with real people. So we apart of a major underground label & have been given the chance to expand who we within tha company so they (our big brothers) have shared their outlet for us to promote ourselves.We are snipercore an underlabel of viperr records rebel arms movement. We are loking for females that are interesdted in being seen for your talent as artist so if you like we are looking for female R& B hip hop artist dancers video vixxens make up artist & prety any women who thinks they have what it takes & real talent. This is a reasl post & we are real people google us (viper records our big homies & sniper core.com) we are fully self sufficient team & we want pepole that are gonna be just as motivated as we are. If interested then conrtact one of s & let us know you got our contact from here. WE have been blessed to have two studios to work from so we never stop working on music.So if music is for u what it is to us then please contact one of us Kwandese(dancer) Kwandese(at)gmail.com Mastermind(producer) Manny1019(at)gmail.com Smoove(cinematographer) vprstar(at)gmail.com Sincere(first Male R& B artist of snipercore & marketing manager) Sincere120(at)gmail.com Please be serious when contacting us because this is a real post so we are looking for you Also for all talent that already have work(a track already pre-recorded or (at) leasat mixed) then send that along with a personal bio(wat ur iunterested in per suing as well as info about you. WE hope to hear from all that want a serious career in tha music industry



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