Adopt Sasserfras a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair (short coat)

Sasserfrias is a precious female cat that was 1 of 15 cats left behind after a house was condemned and the poor things (never being outside at all) were left to fend for themselves on the streets ( A great neighbor did start to feed them and even got them fixed (spayed neutered) and vaccinated for FVRCP and rabies and treated for fleas but she could not bring them in because it was not her house so she called us for help.She told us they would beg to get in and it was breaking our heart but we could not possibly take in fifteen more cats all at once so we told her we could take in a few at a time with hopes on finding them homes fast so we could help the rest.All of these cats are super cute and lovable and really want to be inside sitting on someone s lap or playing not having to live outside in the cold looking for shelter We also wormed them and got them tested for feline leukemia and FIV (aids) and they were all negative....



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