Marketing/ Advertising - Compensation: comissions, bonuses,

Marketing Advertising Top rated US based company is looking for highly motivated individuals to become part of our marketing team. Comprehensive training will be provided by our team of marketing professionals. Full time and part time positions are both available with a very flexible schedule and the ability to work from home. Excellent earning potential is available with incentives commissions and bonuses. Team member responsibilities include but are not limited to creating marketing campaigns placing online advertisements and marketing of company promotions. Individuals must be highly motivated have a solid work ethic possess the ability to work alone marketing skills and excellent phone skills and be able to multi task .Proficient computer skills including internet and Microsoft Office is required. Interested applicants may respond to this ad by submitting a resume or a brief description of their work history. Please make sure to include name phone number including area code and an email address in your response. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment for a preliminary interview. Serious inquires only need apply.



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