English Bulldog

The puppy comes vaccinated microchip health certificate veterinarian before and after going home one year of guarantee for congenital diseases and 14 days of guarantee for viral diseases. The price is negotiable for payment in cash you can also use the available credits like debit credit cards or our financing plan. You can take it home with only 50 initial El cachorro viene vacunado microchip certificado de salud veterinario antes y despu s de ir a casa un a o de garant a para enfermedades cong nitas y 14 d as de garant a para enfermedades virales. El precio es negociable para el pago en efectivo tambi n puede utilizar los cr ditos disponibles como tarjetas de d bito cr dito o nuestro plan de financiaci n. Ll vatelo a casa con solo iniciales de 50



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