Adopt Shirley - loves children a GrayBlueSilverSal t and Pepper

Are you looking for an older well behaved girl Well here she is Meet Shirley. This is such nice dog - she is approximately nine years old and 17.6 pounds. She looks like a corgi mixture maybe with schnauzer - it is hard to say but whatever she may be she is just a doll She is quiet and well behaved. She just loves to hang out in her doggie bed. She gets along with other dogs and kids as well. We had to do dental work on her and she did lose a lot of teeth so we feed her wet food. She had an upper eyelid growth removed and she has a grade three heart murmur that the veterinarian checked out and said nothing needed to be done. Overall we have done everything that we found necessary. She was just a stray and had been out on her own fending for herself for awhile. She had some flaky skin and had some nice medicated baths at the groomers and feels so much better. She is going to be a nice companion for someone and is such a pretty girl...



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