Adopt Kelsi a Black - with White Labrador Retriever Mixed dog i

Hello I m great puppy Kelsi.One late afternoon when it was almost time for bed I was out playing at home and being a nice girl. My human person came over to me picked me up and we went for a ride in his car. When he stopped we were at a place that I had never seen before. There were high fences nice buildings and pretty yards and big trees. He picked me up out of the car without ever saying a word and carried me over to a high fence near 1 of the pretty buildings dropped me over the fence turned and ran as fast as he could. I still remember how fast he sped away in his car. There I was all alone in a strange place however the strange thing was that it seemed to be a nice place there were some dog houses for me to get inside and sleep. I could hear voices from other dogs like me from inside the pretty building but I could not get inside so I curled up inside 1 of the dog houses that was under the roof and tried to sleep but I was scared. ...



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