Adopt Carrie a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair (short coat) cat i

Carrie came to Furry Friends Network as a very young kitten. In fact they told us that she wouldn t be able to eat on her own yet and would need to be fed. But we quickly learned not to underestimate this beauty. Carrie was able to jump right into kitten food and in no time at all was constantly seeking anyone s attention she could and looking for any playmate she could find. She is a sweetheart who loves to play and run off energy but also enjoys a good cuddle session just as much. She loves playing with other cats and would enjoy another kitten or cat in her forever home. Carrie also gets along with kids. Apply to adopt her today This kitty has had her initial vaccinations de-worming flea preventative tested negative for FeLV FIV and been microchipped and altered (or will be microchipped and altered prior to adoption).Adoption charge is 1 2 off for the 2nd kitty adopted at same time. Adoption form phone interview home visit and adoption payment required ( PA Sales tax). ...



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