Fenton - Male Domestic Mediumhair

Meow meow my name is Fenton. I am a male kitten my birth date is 4 17 16. My foster family says Fenton is a sweet very energetic and playful baby boy with tons of personality. Very social runs to meet me when I enter the room. Needs a home here he will have lots of toys and a human or another kitten to keep him entertained If you would like to meet me or find out more about my personality please contact Wild Blue to set up an appointment. Also if you would like to get pre-approved to adopt please go to the Wild Blue Website (-.-XX.-) and submit an online application. When adopting a Wild Blue kitten the adoption fee includes a certificate to be used at one of our partner vets for my first rabies vaccination my spay neutering & a micro-chip. Also unless otherwise noted I will be FIV FELV negative.... More Info



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