Highland Village Condo, 100 Cedar, Mankato - 2 bdrm/1bath

If you are coming to the Mankato area for work or school or are looking for a quiet place to live this may be the place for you......This is a bright 2 bedroom 1 bathroom unfurnished appt in a quiet secure locked building. This unit comes with one indoor parking stall in a heated garage and the use of outside parking. Water heat garbage outside maintenance is included in the rent. Electric phone cable internet is the responsibility of tenant. This unit will be available on July 1 but could be available mid June if need be. This unit is very close to MSU campus but in a very good central location near the hospital and easy to get to all other schools in the Mankato area. Good place for quiet couple single person and or upper class students. Because of Mankato Rental License can only rent to 2 unrelated persons or small family. Will only entertain renters who are able to forgo loud parties and loud music quiet after 10PM and able to abide by the association requirements. No smoking or pets animals allowed. If this sounds like the right place for you call me for more info and a viewing. One month s rent (as the deposit) and a one year lease is required. References and background check is standard. No criminal history is acceptable. Call me at (507) 240-1052.



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