Idris - 35 OFF Adoption Fee - Male Domestic Shorthair

Idris is a handsome three year old male. He has an old eye injury but doesn t let that stop him from enjoying life. Mention LCFOA and we pay 35 of your adoption fee. The normal fee is 70 at the shelter but we pay 1 2. This precious kitty s adoption fee is only 35 which includes spay neuter general deworming rabies FVRCPP vaccination and microchipping. WOW a lot of vetting for only 35. For an extra 14 you can have your kitty tested for FIV Felv which cost 40 to 50 at most vets. If the shelter has already tested this kitty 14 cash will be payable to the shelter. Please be aware that ALL animals are required to be spayed neutered to adopt so please verify the condition of the animal you wish to adopt directly with the shelter. You will also be eligible for the great 190 package for free through LCFOA (you sign up online) -XX -.---.- user did-you-adopt petsmart icid petadoptionhasneverbeensorewarding_091715_1 These animals are located at the Loudon County Municipal Animal Shelter and any questions about this animal must be directed to the shelter. They are located at 250 Jamie Drive Loudon TN 37774 and can be reached directly at -----X. The Shelter is Open Monday thru Friday from 9 to 5 Saturdays 9 to 1 and Closed on Sundays and Holidays. CASH ONLY is accepted for adoption fees. This ad was run by the Loudon County Friends of Animals and was not placed by the Loudon County Municipal Animal Shelter. Loudon County Friends of Animals is a local 501c3 Feline rescue who places these ads to help bring people and animals together. See all available cats at our web site under Adoptable Animals tab -X ---------X.- Like us on Facebook -X -.--XX.- loudoncountyfriendsofanimals



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