Spud - Male English Bulldog

Spud is a sweet and friendly boy temporarily needing a quiet loving foster (or foster to adopt) home. He was recently diagnosed with heartworms and needs to begin treatment. He needs a calm environment and lots of crate rest for a few weeks. He is not looking forward to it. This handsome shorty is the life of the party. He is a big hit with his foster puppy fursiblings. They love playing together and he does a great job watching over them. How many boys can you say that about Once hes better he will find that perfect forever home and the partying will begin again. If you are interested in fostering or fostering to adopt please contact --(at)-----X. Dallas Dogrrr will pay for all vet visits and medication associated with his heartworm treatment. Please help heal Spud s broken heart. 66563 ... More Info



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