AkC cavilier king charles spaniel puppies - Price: varies

AKC BREEDER of MERIT. Sole Focus on Cavalier King Charles Spaniel health. Miniature petite standard sizes. AKC registered. Raised in our home. Pups leave housebroken litterbox crate trained microchipped health tested. We have NO early onset MVD and NO neurological issues due to great mentors and perpetuating ongoing health testing. Our dogs are small cobby and look like stuffed animals. NO price shoppers. Our puppies are valuable due to long lived health (20 years in the breed)and beauty. 5 year congenital health warrantee. Neurostimulation trained for compliant obediant puppies. No barking allowed We train them to love working for love not food or clickers. Holistically raised. Serious enquiries only. rockclifffarm.com 256-354-2221 We prefer calls over emails. rockclifffarm(at)yahoo.com Cavalier Spaniels pups AKC Breeders of Merit AKC Inspected HOME Founding Partner Cavalier Health Foundation igive.com Cavalier Spaniel Rescue Trust Fund. Petite Alabama King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Gulf Shores King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite North Carolina King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite Tennessee King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite Mississippi King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite Alabama King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups Petite Florida King Charles Cavalier Spaniel pups



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