Pierre - Male Domestic Shorthair

Please contact Kriss (---XX(at)---) for more information about this pet.Three little kittens in need of a home of their own. They are well-socialized healthy and get along well with others. They have gorgeous tabby markings. They are playful and inquisitive. The kittens are about 3 months old have just been spayed neutered vaccinated and microchipped. Meet the kittens Serenity - the only girl she s an outgoing kitten a beautiful brown tabby. Pierre - a Gray tabby boy he loves his play toys. Simon - a Brown tabby like his sister Serenity he s a bit on the shy side.If you would like to complete our Adoption Application please do so Be sure to put the animal s name and ID number at the top of the application and save the document to your computer. Return the saved document to us at -XX(at)---XX or to the foster home (email is listed at the beginning of this biography) with the name of the animal in the subject line. Click here to download our Adoption Application.Please click on the PayPal button below to make a donation for the care of the animals. All donations are gratefully accepted and used for the animals we have no paid staff. ... More Info



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