1/2 house 2 bedroom bath and living room / private / shared kitc

GREAT HOUSE NEIGHBORHOOD NEIGHBORS AND LANDLORD- Tropical Oasis 1 2 font of home 850 plus sq ft. of space for only 525 plus utilities. Looking for a professional or student needing short or long term. Has washer dryer dishwasher microwave cool house pool and gardens. Swimming pool maintained. Shared kitchen and yard. Other roomie is female student 25 seeking second female roomate. Contact me email keralook2(at)yahoo.com or text only 904 434 8468 Please tell me what you are looking for. Please have references. Deposit 400. and first month rent 525 to move in. Utilities due on 15th. I am seeking pleasant peaceful dependable and respectful person. Gardening available. Swimming area and tropical gardens w waterfall make for good relaxing atmosphere. Share 1 3 utilities 75.00. Regular 625. This will go fast at this 525 price range. Very good living and managed atmosphere. (SPAM HAPPENS- Please communicate real info like what you are seeking why you like this house your phone and anything else you can volunteer and I REALLY appreciate that consideration IF YOU ARE NOT REAL please do not contact me . )



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