Spock - Out of This World Ears - Male Border CollieFeist

Spock is a young (4 month old) border collie mix pup. Likely mixed with Feist he has a lot of energy and loves expending it searching his world. He never goes too far and is eager to run back to the arms of his protective person. He s teething pretty good at the moment but he is an absolute sweetheart. Spock s ears are the absolute first thing that you will notice about him and they come together like a radar dish when people interact with him. He wants so much to connect and play with his human and puppy playmates.Due to his high energy levels he will need a home with a fenced in backyard. He will also need lots of time to socialize and training will help his very sharp mind. Watching him explore his environment is a joy. If you re ready to share your life with a pup this one will reciprocate each step of the way.-X -.---XX.- adoption-application c1trs 62256 ... More Info



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