1bd 1ba1hba Home for Sale in Indianapolis - Reduced

Great location Private patio shaded by a tall elegant evergreen tree next to the lake & cool blue pool Gorgeous updated flooring throughout gleaming hardwoods upstairs & artistic ceramic tile on main Open vaulted living room with rustic stone raised hearth wood burning fireplace & lots of firewood Kitchen has updated counters sink & cabinetry. Over-sized master bedroom boasts walk-in closet. Open loft overlooks living room & could be closed off to be 2nd Bedroom. Owner occupant buyers ONLY per HOA. Sparkling pool clubhouse tennis courts building exteriors lawn mowing are handled by HOA at low cost Washer & dryer included.The Indy Property Source Keller Williams Realty - 8102 Kingston St Suite 400 Avon IN 46123 - 317-886-8477 www.theindypropertysource.com homes 2627-Fox-Valley-Place Indianapolis 46268 88297665 req 1& utm_source CraigsList& utm_medium referral& utm_campaign 2627%2bFox%2bValley%2bPlace



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