Kaleb - Male Domestic Shorthair

My name is Kaleb and I am a 3 month old neutered male. I am a super fun kitty who loves to get into trouble any way I can Can you blame me though I am a very friendly little boy who enjoys spending time sun bathing and cuddling with my cage mates. I would love to have a home to call my own soon So if you re looking to add a new kitty to your home then check me out Adoption Process HAHS has an adoption application that you can fill out if you are interested in one of our animals. Once we receive the application we review and contact veterinary and personal references and make sure that the animal chosen is the best fit for your family and lifestyle.Our adoption fees are as follows Dog Puppy 100 plus an additional 35 refundable spay neuter depositKittens under 13wks 25 plus an additional 35 refundable s n depositCats 40 plus and additional 35 refundable s n deposit. ... More Info



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