Shasta - Female African Grey

Shasta is social and outgoing. She was with one family for her entire 5 years purchased from a Denver area pet store now out of business. Shasta s favorite foods are everything Treats include dry pasta bran flakes Cheerios pistachios and apples. She likes her Harrison s Hi-Potency pellets which have been a mainstay of her diet. Shasta has a great variety of voices and sounds and she uses them. She s fully flights and needs a little practice on turns but landing is good. She is curious and is interested in the sounds and presence of other birds and with the other Greys listening to the calls whistles beeps barking whistling and so much more. Shasta has a long happy future ahead of her and we hope she gets to share it with people and parrots. She prefers to step up on an extended R hand first finger. Rope perches are a favorite along with a flat 1x2 pine board her soft toys with sisal and cardboard. She knows how to do the fire pole slide down the cage bars. Then climb her way up to one of her favorite perches or corner perch. She ll head down to her food or treat pellet bowls select a favorite goodie and take it back up to her perch one treat at a time. She likes to bathe in her water dish splashing and splashing herself with obvious delight. Shasta comes with her own giant cage and all of its boings toys and perches. Primary Color Gray Secondary Color Red Age 5yrs 2mths 4wks... More Info



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