Cash Flow Heaven!! Investors Dream!! 602 S W Old Briar Ave, Port

Investors Dream...3 bedroom 2 bath 1 car garage...occupied with long term lease-pays like clockwork 900 per month. Buyer will need to agree to accept current renters & existing contract with those renters. If you are looking for rental income- this house has it all in one neat package. The property can be combined in the sale with another home with the same seller at 1857 S E Aneci in Port St Lucie FL-same situation occupied with long term lease. SORRY-NO OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. Contact Marco Stiner (at) 772.519 1555 with serious interest and ability to purchase only. paslc basearea.asp sketch 102000 870001.jpg& account 102870& card 1& parcel 3420-711-0199-000-3



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