Historymaking stallion for sale 4 X World Champion

Shakers Jamaican Pride Leo has four World Championships in all three of his breeds. He is the 1st horse in history to accomplish this. He is a true babysitter for novice riders and kids. He is lovable gentle exquisite and 1 in a million. You can win at jumping shows all day long and then take him on down the trails or ride him into Petsmart bareback with a halter. He has won more USEF competitions than any other MFTHBA or SSHBEA in history. He isnt cheap but you will own and breed a piece of history. He wins easily at the 2736 level at jumping and has easily cleared 42 many times. He is as honest as the day is long. He is also very cowy and fast. As well as his many other World titles he won the 2011 Pinto Am World Jumping Championship and Reserve World Championship Flag Race an event he had never practiced before. He is a winner in every way and produces winners. He is out of a World Champion stallion...Shakers Jamaican Pride. You can see more at our web siteat www.TXMFT.com....



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