Cherno - Male Labrador RetrieverGolden Retriever Mix

Hi I m Cherno. Sadly I came to K-9 Angels with pretty awful wounds all over my back that might be the result of acid burns. It s hard to believe that someone would hurt me but I have gotten so much better and you wouldn t know from my disposition that I had such a rough start. After the vet shaved most of my back and head cleaned me up sent me off with some medicine a nd made me wear a blue cone I healed right up. I will be a beautiful dog when all my fur grows back. I am staying with a family called the Fosters . I didn t get to make a great first impression on the family because I was shaved bald and wearing a goofy blue clown s collar. Nevertheless I am a very smart sweet and playful pup so I soon made up for it with my awesome personality. I am not nervous or shy in their home. The Fosters have two older dogs that go in and out a doggie door. I soon discovered that I could go in and out by myself too. Mrs. Foster takes me outside on a schedule and reminds me to go potty outside. She prefers that I use the grass and doesn t like it at all if I use the carpet. Mrs. Foster told me that I am very smart and easily trained. I started learning to sit on command. I am happy spending the night in a crate as long as one of the Fosters is in the same room with me. I like to spend my days boisterously playing with the other dogs. My amorous and romantic advances were not appreciated by the beautiful but elderly German Shephard so I stopped bugging her. I love my breakfast and dinner but I am not aggressive at meal times. I was possessive of a rawhide bone once but now that I realize they get handed out regularly I am less concerned that one of the other dogs might take it. I am still mastering some social graces. When I feel like chewing Mrs. Foster gives me a red Kong or a rawhide bone. I like my crate and I go in there to nap during the day when nobody can supervise me. I also need reminding that it isn t safe to dash out the front door when given the opportunity. Mr. Foster calls me a good dog right out of the box. Someone wanting a trainable playful and gentle dog that enjoys ear rubs and belly scratches should adopt me. I get along well other dogs who like to play and run. The Fosters have older kids but I am sweet so I am sure to like smaller ones too. I will be at the adoption center this weekend. Cherno is a Male Lab Golden Retriever Mix that we estimate to be born around May 1 2016.



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