100W LED Pole Light With Photocell 4000K Universal Mount Bronze

These lights are best suited for retrofit or newly entered construction applications in residential commercial and industrial facilities. Our in-house manufactured LED Pole Lights are UL DLC listed suitable for wet locations and are IP65 rated. LEDmyplace shoe-box lights consumes 80% lesser energy than metal halide or high pressure sodium lights and put out a much nicer light available in a variety of color temperatures. Our LED shoe box lights feature an attractive modern minimalist design and utilize high-power LEDs for the ultimate in energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing light. many additional features are given there FEATURES Electrician friendly easy to install wire and mount Beautifully finished powder coating Lightweight die-cast aluminum housing Maintenance free Instant start with no noise or flickering Solid-state construction makes for high shock and vibration resistance LEDmyplace LEDs provide excellent illumination uniformity and color rendering Extremely long life average 50 000 hours with very low time-luminosity decay Heat-sink is integrated into design providing excellent heat dissipation and an attractive package No RF interference Up to 80% power savings over conventional metal halide or sodium lights Eco friendly no lead mercury or other contaminents NOTE s www.ebay.com itm 113428819200



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