Avail Best Quality LED Linear High Bay Lights for High Ceiling A

Ideal for industrial uses LED Linear High Bay lights are the perfect illumination solution for high ceiling applications such as warehouses factories convention centers and retail stores. Replacing metal halides and fluorescent fixtures these lights provide a remarkable color rendering to make the surroundings more comfortable.Get Best LED Lights brings to you an ultra-modern range of LED Linear High Bay lights that are DLC listed and ideal for one to one replacement for conventional HID lights. Our high performance LED Linear High Bay Lights to provide remarkable energy efficiency and offer 50 000 hours life span. With options available in various lumens our range of LED Linear High Bay lights is perfect for industrial and commercial use. Being UL and DLC certified these fixtures are eligible for utility rebates and reduce energy consumption by up to 60 percent. The added dimmable feature further aids in optimizing energy consumption. Stylish designs make it the perfect fixture to amplify the surroundings. Here are some of the top features of our range of LED Linear High Bay lights Mountable at various height levels as per requirement. Designed to handle damp areas and extreme temperatures making it ideal for harsh environmental conditions The color temperature of 5000K to give comfortable lighting. 5 years of warranty Chain mounting kit wire guard and emergency power supply are available. Sleek designs with sturdy construction



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