Director of Sales and Marketing - MRT1150711

Job DescriptionPeoplescout has been retained to manage the Talent Acquisition Manager search for Providence Hospitality Partners Many World Class Hospitality Management Companies have chosen to partner with PeopleScout as their Recruiting Service Provider to support their recruiting efforts. We pre-qualify applicants in order to provide the best quality candidates to the numerous Hospitality Companies who work with us nationwide.Job SummaryYou LOVE sales but you re most passionate about strategically driving peak outcomes and orchestrating talent to make it happen. Does this resonate with you The Director of Sales position may be your next winning lead Major Responsiblities Manage all aspects of the sales and marketing division. Provide the strategic vision for maximum hotel sales generation and optimal revenue growth. Lead a talented sales team that makes the vision reality. You create an environment energized by the art of the possible where talented win-driven professionals are excited to join learn exceed their best and advance. You lead by modeling the way by empowering and coaching throughout the employment lifecycle. Effectively channel your knowledge of the competitive landscape. Assess the effectiveness of company programs to determine optimum revenues using Interstate system reports and market data in order to innovate. Forge relationships and build rapport. Cultivate enhance and leverage external and internal relationships to elevate hotel and market share awareness and drive business. Collaborate with Finance to ensure the division s sales plan is on budget to meet or exceed revenue expectations and profit goals.Job Requirements A four-year degree or equivalent experience or education is required. Five years experience within hotels sales with two years minimum as department head (such as Director Group Sales) is required also. Highly developed written and verbal English communication skills to effectively negotiate persuade influence and sell are critical. Expect local travel weekly. And national or international travel is possible four to five times per year.Ideal Experience A four-year degree or equivalent experience or education is required. Five years experience within hotels sales with two years minimum as department head (such as Director Group Sales) is required also. Highly developed written and verbal English communication skills to effectively negotiate persuade influence and sell are critical. Expect local travel weekly. And national or international travel is possible four to five times per year.General Franchise Info Providence Hospitality Partners is a hands on marketing focused hotel operator and owner of hotels with a bottom line focus in hotel management. The Denver based hotel management team s experience includes both franchised and independent hotels nationally and has ranged from a 42-unit boutique hotel in San Francisco to an 1100-unit 2 200-acre themed resort in the Carolinas. To submit your application for this job please go to s jobtools jncustomsearch.viewFullSingle in_organid 18607& in_jnCounter 222592545& in_jobDate Last 24 Hours& in_skills MRT%2F1150711& in_jobreference MRT%2F1150711PeopleScout is the Recruiting Services Provider for World Class Hospitality Companies



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