2000 Honda Goldwing 1500 Full Dress Touring Machine

Honda Gold Wing GL 1500 Special Edition Full Dress Touring Motorcycle 25th Anniversary Edition accessories has a hitch and ball included to pull a small trailer(small trailer not included) Paint is a two tone burgundy AM FM Cassette stereo CB Radio intercom stereo helmet jacks driver and passenger. Built in Reverse gear lever to assist in rider backing up. Built in air compressor for air shocks and tire fill digital display USB port for phone charger located in Wind Jammer Tool set 10 foot Air Hose to fill both tires built in trickle battery charger 2 helmets included 3 maintenance manuals 3 spare keys Rear tire recently replaced Mileage approx. 90K Good Rubber front and rear Dual Helmet lock. Motorcycle runs fine recently serviced at Honda Dealer. Garage kept. Maintenance service book of recent repairs and dates included. Serious inquiries only please. Cash only Local Pick up only in Sarasota Fla.



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