Surfing report

Te Arai, Forestry and Mangawhai have been the go to beaches for surfers for decades. On Auckland?s East Coast and just over an hour?s drive from Auckland city, they?re easy to get to and are well known for their safe conditions, consistent surf, white sand and clear water. We also operate on beaches closer to Auckland, such as Orewa, Omaha and Pakiri. Let the Aotearoa Surf team show you around! Not sure whether the conditions are right for you? Check out Our Reliable Surf Forecast tool. You don?t need much swell for Te Arai, only 0.2 of a metre. Other beaches such as Orewa, Tawhranui, Omaha need at least 0.8m and Mangawhai heads needs at least 0.5m. Alternatively, give us a buzz (09 431 5760) and we?ll be happy to discuss where the best beaches are to visit on the day based on the conditions and your skill level! For More Info : -



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