True love and honesty

My name is George Jefrrey I m an HR professional with a decade of experience working within the intricacies of people management. Outside of work I enjoy hiking with friends. Im looking for a lady who will open me up here regardless of my age and my appearance. I am a positive cheerful person who likes to smile laugh and make happy everyone around. I am hard-working and very active. I am an honest open-minded person. I love trying everything new. If everything fits together then I am ready to move mountains come to you and check if we are compatible in real life. I will always be honest passionate and faithful to my beloved wiman Do you want to have a man next to you who will make you happy During different periods of life we have different aims and goals. For this moment my main interest and aim is to find my love and I know you out there read this and contemplating if you should give a try the early the better honey



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