Mold abatement nyc

Our team of mold specialists utilize the most advanced methods and techniques for both mold inspection as well as mold removal services throughout New York and Staten Island. Our Mold Inspections and Mold Remediation In New York consist of swab sampling, air testing, inner wall checks, particle counters, manual moisture readers and infrared thermography imaging to ascertain the severity of mold growth as well as any water damage issues that might be attributing to the mold present. After the inspection, our technicians devise a Mold Remediation outline specific to your individual property so each job is completely customized, based on the technicians? findings during your mold inspection. Our professional mold specialist Staten Island, mold abatement Staten Island and New York mold remediation established a reputation for fast, reliable service for home owners, landlords, lettings agencies local authorities, schools etc. at competitive prices.



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