Little Munchkin Daycare Ltd. is seeking FT Early Childhood Educa

Position Info Position Early Childhood Educator Terms of employment Full-time Permanent Wage 20 23 hour (depending on experience) Working Hours 30-40 hours week Number of Positions 2 Work Location 5981 Holland Street Vancouver BC V6N 2B2 Benefits 10 days paid vacation per year 5 days of paid sick leave per year Health and dental after 6 months Job Duties Assist with the planning and implementation of a program that is educational and child-centred including documentation Plan activities by reading stories teaching songs taking children to field-trip of interest Provide opportunities to express creativity through diverse activities Always maintain a healthy and safe learning environment for children Detect the signs of potential learning or behavioural problems of children and prepare reports for parents guardians or supervisors. Guide children with challenging behaviours and teach them to eat properly dress and appropriate toilet habits. Recognize and understand child development stages Assess the abilities interests and needs of children and discuss progress or problems with parents and other staff members Job requirements Experience Experience as an Early Childhood Educator is an asset. Education College Certificate or diploma in early childhood education is required. Certificate First Aid Certificate & CPR Certificate and E.C.E. Certificate Language English How to Apply Company information Little Munchkin Daycare Ltd. Email address info(at) Please apply via Email indicated above



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