300sq yards plot in sector 11e dha city karachi

? DHA City Karachi Plot for Sale in Sector 11E ? Development and infrastructure has been completed ? Most prime sector and prime location in DCK ? This listing let you choose the perfect 300 Sq. Yards property for you. ? The price is set fairly at RS 50 to 52 lacs. A Residential Plot is readily available in a prime location so don?t miss this opportunity. Buy the perfect property for you and your family! Don?t miss the opportunity of owning your home in Karachi with options available at affordable prices. This DHA City Karachi hosts several decent properties. Take our word of advice and check it out. You can find out more about the property below: ? An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here. ? The Residential Plot is surrounded by a boundary wall to prevent anyone from trespassing. ? The property has a proper, contemporary sewerage system installed. ? Active supply of water is ensured at all times. ? This place is equipped with all the required amenities, including Sui Gas. ? The security services team of the building is on alert at all times to keep its occupants well-protected. Want to know more? Contact us now.



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