APack MRE - Meals Ready to Eat (1 pallet of 48 boxes)

GovDeals is an Online Auction for Government Surplus - QAL 7547-1262 Auction Ends 1 24 2022. To see full details additional photos and current bid please use this link - s govdeals.bid 3GtXXgTOne pallet of APack ready meals. 48 boxes with 12 meals per box. NO REFRIGERATION REQUIRED LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE MEALS DURABLE EASY-OPEN PACKAGING EASY PREPARATION SELF-HEATINGInspection Test Date 07 2024 MRE s were stored in a climate controlled warehouse Product Information -Case Pack 12 meals per case (6 flavors 2 each)Case Dimension 15 (L) x 9 1 8 (W) x 10 (H)Case Weight 16.65 lbs.Pallet Dimension 48 (L) x 40 (W) x 48 (H)Pallet Weight Approximately 850 lbs. Every APack Ready Meal pack contains an entr e side dishes seasoning packet utensil napkin and self-heating unitMenu 1Southwestern Style Beans with Rice and Chicken Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Sunflower Butter CrackerMenu 2Pork with Sauce and Rice Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Sunflower Butter CrackerMenu 3Homestyle Vegetables in Sauce with Noodles and Chicken Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Sunflower Butter CrackerMenu 4Spaghetti with Italian Style Sauce and Meat Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Sunflower Butter CrackerMenu 5Sweet and Sour Sauce with Rice and Chicken Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Cranberry Crisp Challenge Bar or Chocolate Crisp Challenge BarMenu 6Pasta with Garden Vegetables in Tomato Sauce Banana Apple or Sweet Potato Grape Smoothie Cranberry Crisp Challenge Bar or Chocolate Crisp Challenge BarLots are sold As is Where is. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION GovDeals.com - Bid on Government Auctions to buy Government Surplus.



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