Parking Attendant - Groundskeeper Part Time

Duties & Responsibilities Provide parking instructions guidance assistance to guests as they arrive or depart. Allow or disallow access into lots as directed. Provide guests with directions and other venue information. Act upon all comments complaints in a prompt and courtesy manner. Take payment for parking costs when needed. Follow all cash handling procedures and ensure accurate documentation of funds and refunds. Remove trash sweep and clean garage and work area power wash as needed. Clean the facility on a routine basis to ensure its cleanliness 100% of the time. This includes but is not limited to picking up trash and sweeping. Essential Functions Ability to verbally communicate effectively with guests and co-workers. Physically must be able to stand walk bend stoop push pull and reach. Walking distance is several city blocks repeatedly through the workday. Ability to visually check work work area and hotel space. Minimum lifting of 30 pounds. Other Requirements Parking experience preferred Knowledge of English and local language Ability to deal with the public in a professional and courteous manner Ability to communicate with all managers supervisors and fellow associates Ability to handle conflict situations in a professional manner Be well groomed and conform to the hotel s dress code Click Link to apply s account



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